BENJAMIN FULFORD Antarctica is under lockdown as secret space program unveiling begins
BENJAMIN FULFORD Antarctica is under lockdown as secret space program unveiling begins social networks a https 3A 2F 2Ftwitter com 2Fgeopoliticsupdt a benjaminfulford benjaminfulfordthisweek benjaminfulfordlatestupdate benjaminfulfordyoutube benjaminfulfordrothschild benfulford benjaminfulfordnews benjaminfulford2019 benjaminfulfordlatest benjaminfulfordsept2019 fulford benjaminfulfordsept92009 benjaminfulfordlatestnews benjamin benfulford2019 benfulfordthisweek benfulfordlatestupdate fulford documentary epic economist benjaminfulfordenglish link 01 a https 3A 2F 2Fenrt eu 2Fcreates-space-force a link 02 a https 3A 2F 2Fenrt eu 2Fspace-technology a link 03 a https 3A 2F 2Fenrt eu 2Fnavy-new-technology a link 04 a https 3A 2F 2Fenrt eu 2Fspace-programs a link 05 a https 3A 2F 2Fenrt eu 2Fsupporting-documentation a link 06 a https 3A 2F 2Fenrt eu 2Fcredible-ufo-sightings a link 07 a https 3A 2F 2Fenrt eu 2FLife-forms a link 08 a https 3A 2F 2Fenrt eu 2Fworld-latin-america a link 09 a https 3A 2F 2Fenrt eu 2Fearthquake-today-tsunami a link 10 a https 3A 2F 2Fenrt eu 2Fcriminal-meat-scam a link 11 a https 3A 2F 2Fenrt eu 2Fgold-and-cash a link 12 a https 3A 2F 2Fenrt eu 2Fcorporate-profits-hints a link 13 a https 3A 2F 2Fenrt eu 2Fold-plan-erase a Geopolitics What is geopolitics Concept Definition and Origin Everything you need to know What is geopolitics How did she come about What is the difference between geopolitics and political geography Examples After all what is the difference between geopolitics and political geography Wouldn't the two just be another name for contemporary history For those who study the subject just out of obligation these terms may actually look like different names for the same thing but they are not There are differences in approach and treatment of the problems addressed even though the three terms cited deal with today's world Not to confuse your troubled mind with so many subjects to study at once let's start by separating the two main concepts Geopolitics is nothing more than the field of study concerned with understanding power relations between states considering diplomatic and military routes Political geography on the other hand is the area that studies the interaction between politics and territory namely with regard to administration Let's understand more deeply Origin of Geopolitics Definition and Concept The term Geopolitics arose in the work of political scientist Rudolf Kjell n in the early twentieth century It was based on the book Politische Geographie by the German Friedrich Ratzel It was mainly during the rise of European fascism yes Nazism that territorial issues gained a new approach for states Of course before that countries already understood their territories as their basic source of resources but with Nazism this understanding reached a new level It was not just about organizing domestic resources and conquering foreign lands It is important to highlight that Nazism coined the expression living space to refer to territories not belonging to Germany but which would be fundamental to its development It corresponded practically to all of Eastern Europe including Poland Ukraine and other countries that should be conquered or co-opted as the circumstances warrant It was precisely this movement of Nazi political and economic thought that gave rise to what we call geopolitics And where does political geography come into this story In the Nazi period however it was a matter of putting the value of each territory in the balance for the composition of an expansionist policy of the German state But even then there was already a parallel movement developing the current of political geography - another area of knowledge that was more devoted to the relations of the state with its own territory Simply put therefore the difference between them is that geopolitics goes beyond national borders considering diplomacy and international disputes and conflicts Evolution of Geopolitics Development of world geopolitics GREEN TOP SCREEN SAIT a https 3A 2F 2Fwww greentopscreen com 2Fp 2Fhome 11 html a Licen a Gr tis para uso em seus V deos Atribui o n o requerida Nota O reenvio das anima es em outros canais n o est autorizado All rights reserved to author benjamin fulford original text of the video a https 3A 2F 2Fbenjaminfulford net 2F a Visit the mall a https 3A 2F 2FFulfordshop com a
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