Blue Bottle Jellyfish - Australian Beach Dangerous Animals- Medusa Carabela Portuguesa en la Playa

06 Nov 2020

Blue Bottle Jellyfish also known as Pacific Man o War are commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions Despite their harmless-sounding name bluebottles are sea creatures that you should steer clear of in the water or on the beach The bluebottle Physalia utriculus is also known as a Pacific man o war similar to a Portuguese man o war which is found in the Atlantic Ocean The dangerous part of a bluebottle is the tentacle which can sting its prey and creatures they sense as threats including people The venom from bluebottle stings can inflict pain and swelling Treatments for a bluebottle sting range from a hot water soak to topical creams and ointments to traditional oral pain medications Some home remedy solutions such as urine aren t recommended despite being widely believed as effective treatments La carabela portuguesa Physalia physalis tambi n conocida como fragata portuguesa agua mala aguaviva botella azul o falsa medusa es una especie monot pica de hidrozoo sifon foro de la familia Physaliidae 1 Se suele encontrar en mar abierto en todas las aguas c lidas del planeta en especial en las regiones tropicales y subtropicales de los oc anos Pac fico e ndico as como en la corriente del Golfo atl ntica Su picadura es peligrosa y muy dolorosa Van solas no en grupos Con apariencia de medusa la carabela es en realidad un organismo colonial cuyos individuos se especializan para mantener viva la colonia Sting PAIN A bluebottle sting typically causes pain right away The pain is usually quite severe RED LINE A red line is often visible a sign of where the tentacle touched the skin The line which may look like a string of beads will usually swell and become itchy BLISTERS Sometimes blisters form where the tentacle came in contact with skin Other symptoms such as nausea or abdominal pain are unlikely Distribution Fleets of bluebottles are often carried by warm currents to more temperate waters In Australia they are blown onshore and can be seen on beaches in autumn and winter less often in summer They are frequently seen on beaches Prevention Avoid swimming when bluebottles have been washed onto the beach as they are likely to still be in the ocean The tentacles frequently break off in rough water and can sting Do not touch dead animals as the venom remains active and nematocysts can still fire long after the animals are dead and dried Wear protective clothing such as a lycra top skivvy or stinger suit First Aid Do not treat with vinegar Remove any tentacles from the skin using tweezers or a gloved hand If possible soak for 20 minutes in hot water 42 C Apply cold packs and possibly a pain relieving cream to the affected area for pain relief This may need to be repeated for some weeks if the itchiness persists Click Subscribe a https 3A 2F 2Fbit ly 2F2vjO1Dx a and Click Enjoy Comment or Rate or Share and Subscribe Disfruta Comenta Valora Comparte y Suscr bete FACEBOOK a https 3A 2F 2Fwww facebook com 2Funaironline 2F a TWITTER a https 3A 2F 2Ftwitter com 2FUnair Online a DONATIONS a http 3A 2F 2Fpaypal me 2FUnairOn a SIMILAR VIDEOS How to Make a Super Star from Paper Mario The Origami King DIY Handmade Crafts - Estrella Papel a https 3A 2F 2Fyoutu be 2FQgEOR SxiW8 a Stingrays Fish Feeding Frenzy in Boat Ramp - Rayas Comiendo en el Embarcadero a https 3A 2F 2Fyoutu be 2F4LFh-CC7oNw a Dolphins by the Jetty - Delfines en el Embarcadero a https 3A 2F 2Fyoutu be 2F3AT0qEuSauo a Blue Soldier Crabs - Cangrejos Azules Soldado a https 3A 2F 2Fyoutu be 2FZaVWg0NHees a Sheep Sound Baa Farm Animals Noises - Sonido de la Oveja Bee Balido Animales de Granja a https 3A 2F 2Fyoutu be 2FPLKFnw15iCc a Guinea Fowl Bird Sounds Farm Animals - Sonido de la Gallina de Guinea Sonidos de Animales de Granja a https 3A 2F 2Fyoutu be 2Fbzr4SOry-OU a Green Leaf Grasshopper Cricket Camouflage Bugs - Saltamontes Hoja Verde Insectos Curiosos a https 3A 2F 2Fyoutu be 2F0AbZPEuyXt0 a Horse Eating Apple Animal Encounters Feeding Farm Animals Caballo comiendo manzana Animales a https 3A 2F 2Fyoutu be 2Fq9kgp8d9iTg a Wake Up Rooster Cackle Sound Animals Talk - Canto del Gallo Quiquiriqu Despertador Natural a https 3A 2F 2Fyoutu be 2FmkEZzGbP65U a Cows In the Rain Mooing Moo Farm Animals - Vacas en la lluvia Mugiendo Muu Animales de Granja a https 3A 2F 2Fyoutu be 2FTMSC mge2xg a Kangaroo Animal Crossing in The Creek Kangaroos Australian Animals Down Under - Canguro al Agua a https 3A 2F 2Fyoutu be 2FYO6ula507NE a What Sound Does a Seagull Make Seagulls Birds Talking - Sonido de la Gaviota Gaviotas Hablando a https 3A 2F 2Fyoutu be 2FWGc8lcyeXA0 a Duck Family with 9 BABY DUCKLINGS MOM and DAD - Familia de Patos con Patitos la Madre y el Padre a https 3A 2F 2Fyoutu be 2Fy 28ChmX2Ns a jellyfish Dangerous Australia

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