radionics history 1 - part 9
visit a http 3A 2F 2Fwww radionics org a Have chi energy sent to your inbox a http 3A 2F 2Fwww chitransfertest com a Watch our live broadcasts and learn how to use chi generators step by step a http 3A 2F 2Fwww tvopk com a The time when Radionics came to be -- and a fairly good explanation befitting those times Let's explore now some history of this method radionics which for more than a century has been proven to be a useful method of action upon the environment including action at a distance as we perceive distance with the set of our senses which is interacting with a perceived environment based on electromagnetic frequencies As such radionics is one of many useful methods known to us a thing that many of the gurus of traditional radionics do not exactly like to admit This method has been established first more than a century ago by a physician with the name of Abrams His discovery was one of many coincidental discoveries and he interpreted his way based on knowledge available during his times These assumptions and resulting technologies eventually led to radionic methods as they are used in our days These mappings as he established them may be considered wrong according to our more advanced knowledge and yet to him they explained very well what happened and they led to new useful methods of interacting with the environment I claim to have developed a better and more useful mapping of what we call radionics and at the same time I am well aware this my mapping or theory is just one of the many potential useful mappings and for the sake of progress this my theory hopefully will become obsolete in due time -- the sooner the better - just the same way as Abram's theories and the many other theories or mappings which have been formulated by people after Abrams became obsolete Abrams Again my new approach became necessary because the assumptions and attempts to explain radionics and why it works became antiquated and pretty much useless plain and simple especially in the light of my invention of the chi generator and a resulting better understanding of the common functional principles of the methods of all life-energy based actions at a distance as we know them Most of the theories of radionics never led to new development in recent times some of them were quite neat as far as being in tune with some pop-scientific views of how the universe is supposed to be structured These approaches simply have proven to be insufficient i e they held back a lot of potential of the radionics approach they actually blocked the evolution of new technologies and there was hardly ever any mention how radionics related to other AAD - my new approach takes care of this and I prefer the approach talking about abstractions made permanent As far as the effect itself I mean for the person using a device the theory leading to the technology is pretty much irrelevant and already traditional radionics had the advantage of enormous flexibility which with the new approach of power radionics could be increased significantly of course Talking about radionics frequencies let's start now with Abrams Abrams may have had the wrong assumptions but based on such assumptions which in our days seem wrong he developed a new approach to actions at a distance Sometimes wrong assumptions can lead to new technologies Edward de Bono lateral thinking A good example is Marconi who succeeded as a first with a radio wave connection across the Atlantic assuming that the radio waves follow the surface of the Earth Had those top scientists known about straight propagation of waves and found out about Marconis' experiment they may have tried to stop any financial support for such idiocies likely they would have succeeded and it may have taken a few years till some coincidence may have led to the results And then in some respect Marconi's assumption was correct although not when seen in relation to the radio waves proper but how those waves interact with the stratosphere which reflects them provided the wavelength is right Abrams who was a MD at first tapped the belly of his clients to find out about their problems He heard different sounds on different people and different diseases and since back then everything was frequency just as in our days there is much talk about quantum and nanotechnology he had the brilliant idea -- or crackpottish idea to use a rheostat which was a large and relatively simple device to define a resistance similar to a potentiometer in our times and resistance was used back then to determine the wavelength of radio waves that are to be broadcast or to tune into specific wave lengths that are broadcast from somewhere else
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